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Usability in e-commerce
At Cambridge Technology Partners Benelux Dirk-Jan Hoets worked as a Cognitive Specialist in the User eXperience (UX) centre. The emphasis of the UX centre was Internet and e-commerce.At the UX centre he was responsible for the development and analysis of web sites, using task analysis, usability testing, site map definition, concept development, target audience analysis, style guide creation and interaction design.

- DSM-Capabel: Analysis and redesign of the DSM-Capabel Intranet
- YourNews: restructuring and design of a web content publication process.
- Fincentives/NowJones: design and development of an online stock option tools
- Autobytel: revriew and rewrite of the Autobytel.nl style guide.
- I-media: design and definition of templates for the site of "Het Limburgs Dagblad." revriew and rewrite of the style guides of the sites of "Het Limburgs Dagblad" en "Dagblad de Limburger" (two local Dutch newspapers).
- Newmonday: definition and development of business processes and templates for an online job database.
- UX Quality: internal quality assurance project. Responsible for identifying and defining all activities of the UX centre.